natural vs flash light in a bright sunny day
The use of natural light (left) vs camera flash (right) in a bright sunny day #onthemove #eventshooting #ambientlight #speedlight #commercialphotography #strobist #tutorials #claudiavejaimages #high speed sync #slow sync flash #LowLightPhotography #BrightLightPhotography Published on 11/23/2009 / flickr Light is one of the top 3 most important aspects when talking about photography. There are lots of cases to consider and lots of ways to deal with it, but the solutions are always related to the type of photography we are talking about and off-course the budget & equipment at your disposal. There is such a difference when using natural light versus flash lights #strobelights #speedlights, no matter the circumstances, or how skilled you are at simulating a natural look in photographs while using strobes, but especially when using just one flash light #oncamera and on the move vs just natural light. There are ways to make the use of a speedlight to create a look quite as go